Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Create a targeted SEO strategy to help you business get found online!
In addition to good navigation and design, a website must be optimized for the search engines that people use to find you. Search Engine Optimization is the technical term for promoting websites by increasing their visibility in search results on sites such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing and AOL. The selection and proper use of keywords and phrases will primarily determine search engine referrals.
Search engines have become the primary factor in determining which websites deserve the most traffic and which sites are served up in the searches. Search engine optimization is the science of researching the most relevant and searched keywords and phrases for your business and your industry and utilizing them so that your website will get more traffic.
Mears Interactive uses organic SEO by tapping into the most current Google Analytics data to create a comprehensive SEO report. We will then utilize this research to choose the most effective keywords and phrases to write meta titles, descriptions and keyword tags for every website we create.
Many things can contribute to your Google ranking and where the search engines serve you up in the searches including:
• Having your domain name include keywords or industry terms
• Including keyword metatags (title, description and keyword block) on every page
• Giving page names and title tags to each page of the site (including H1, H2 headers, etc.)
• Utilizing current website navigation best practices
• Using focused keyword rich content, especially on the home page
• Creating links between other pages of your site to drive traffic between pages.
• Cross-linking within your website to other pages with important information
• Submitting your site to the search engines for inclusion in indexing
Search Engine Marketing or Pay Per Click
Search Engine Marketing, also sometimes known as pay-per-click advertising, is used to increase a website’s visibility with the search engine result pages (SERPs) by paying for ad placement or paid inclusion on the search pages. Examples of this medium is Google Adwords or Yahoo sponsored pages. We can help you determine if this is a good strategy for your website and support you in creating an engaging, cost-effective strategy.
Contact us today to see how we can help you navigate through search engine optimization to get your business on the online map, 866.456.8652!